We have over 60 different social media options available on si.gnatu.re, some require specific formatting of your unique link for them to work correctly.
Nearly all will require the following format, in this example we will use Twitter, unless specified this is the format you should use for adding social media links.
To add a working Twitter link simply add the unique ending of your Twitter link, for example, to have the social media link to https://twitter.com/signatu_re we only need to add the unique signatu_re part of it, as shown below.
It should not be as shown below:
This is the same for most other social media options, such as Facebook, YouTube etc.
If you are unsure as to whether your link is correct, check the Preview area icons and test each link.
If your link goes to https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/signatu_re then it needs correcting as you have added the full link in a section that only requires the unique name.
Full Links
Some social media links allow you to add the full URL, these are specified on the name, such as General:
It is very important that you add the http:// or https:// to the link for it to be formatted correctly.
Other Social Links
Some social links require unique formatting to work correctly.
You should add your Skype name to the section. If you are unsure of your Skype name use the Skype help pages to find it.
You can also add parameters to the end of your Skype name, depending on the type of link you wish to create:
- Call: username?call
- Add: :username?add
- Chat: username?chat
- View profile: username?userinfo
- Leave a voicemail: username?voicemail
- Send file: username?sendfile
Remember to include your country dialling code, for example instead of 51512345678 you would add +151512345678 for the US.
For a list of country codes please use this website: https://www.countrycode.org
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